domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

English Language Challenges

Hello again, today in the last blog of the semester the topic is about the English Language Challenges, well to start the English is present everywhere The English is as a universal language, we hear it around the world and I love this language, but since school I always had a hard time learning it and where it costs me isn't one of my favorite bouquets the truth.
In the university it has still been difficult for me learned because in the classes what you do most is practice speaking in English and this is very difficult for me, because I get very nervous and I forget all the words, but with the blogs I have also put into practice writing in English and telling stories this has helped me progress quite a lot with English.

Well after this I believe that one of the aspects that I must better of my English is to speak it  because I always forgetting all the words and the pronunciation of some words es very complicated, I have tried to reinforce these aspects watching the movies in English with subtitles repeating many times the dialogues of these as practice, equal outside of classes one continues having contact with the English because when listening to songs in english, when we look for referents for the studies these are in English or when I watch movies or series, therefore one continues practicing the English in an unconscious way outside the classes.

Finally, I am very interested in learning English because today it is a universal language that is present everywhere and for this reason I intend to use it in trips to be able to dialogue with other people and in the work environment since knowing English is a fundamental part in terms of communication and is a factor that is taken into consideration in our occupational field.

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018


Hello everyone this week I’m going to talk about what things changes to my study programme, first I think the career in this case Architecture the academic burden is too much, we over-exploit and that's something that should change because one with that load is tired all day, we don’t get to finish all the work on many occasions because they are too many works or maybe they should think better about the schedule.
Resultado de imagen para memes estudiantes de arqui

Also in terms of infrastructure we need to improve it in many aspects or perhaps improve the maintenance of the faculty and it’s furniture, because in the last times the roof has fallen and that is very dangerous because the truth is that of us who study here much of the time we are walking asleep by the faculty as zombie. In addition, the presence of mice in the rooms and pigeons in the cafeteria is very unhealthy and since we spend the whole week in the faculty and we should feel comfortable in this place.

 Finally, perhaps I would change the teaching methods of some teachers because many times they don't have the disposition or vocation to teach and that causes them to teach and go to class in a bad way and that also makes you feel very bad sometimes because at the moment of correcting they see everything wrong in the project instead of seeing something positive and boosting it causing you to go unmotivated to class. However, when a teacher has a vocation and sees positive things in each project, one is eager to continue learning and the truth is that one begins to do things with affection and not just to comply.  

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

My Opnions

    What is your opinion about " vertical ghettos"?

Well with respect to the vertical ghettos I find that they deteriorate too much the quality of life of the people, first I find that the people who live in its interior don’t have privacy, also many times these deteriorate the neighborhood in which they are located for example in “estación central” due to the vertical ghettos in the afternoons there is great vehicular congestion due to that is so many people who live in the sector that they don’t keep quiet, and this produces tiredness and that the people and neighbors walk of very bad humor

.What is your opinion on water scarcity?

With respect to water scarcity I think that the vast majority of people haven’t yet taken the true importance of this situation, I feel that we must begin to have a little more awareness in the use of this as it is often used in a bad way and as a society we should begin to care and value this resource that is so important to survive and that we practically use it in most of the activities we do every day.

Resultado de imagen para escasez de agua

What do you think of the "brave bars" (hooligans)?

Well personally I'm a fan of match football which is a super fun sport, but I especially enjoy going to the stadium on weekends to watch the games and support in the galleries because it's a feeling that can't be explained, however I believe that many times the “Barras Bravas” tarnish the beauty of going to the stadium or simply watching football since the protagonism is taken away by the acts of vandalism that these bars often perform instead of the match itself, this is seen almost every season of classic or as a step in the final of the Copa Libertadores that instead of enjoying the final, this ended up being a disaster due to the bad behavior of the “Barra”.
On the other hand, I feel that going to a stadium to watch a football match is something that should be done in family, however, the “barras bravas” implant fear in people and this consequently thinks that going to the stadium is not safe, I mention this because at first I felt the same fear and considered that going to the stadium was dangerous, this is why I think that the brave bars are often a negative aspect in this sport.

Resultado de imagen para barras bravas river

What is your opinion on recycling?

With regard to recycling, I think that it is very important and positive to do, because in this way we can considerably reduce the waste we produce every day. However, in our country I feel that they should start to educate on the subject because many times people don’t recycle because they don’t know how to do it and on the other hand that for example in Santiago there are very few recycling points and that makes it even more difficult for people to recycle because sometimes due to the distance from the recycling points of the house is necessary to go by car to leave things but in the case of people who don’t own auto prefer not to recycle because they can’t go to a point to deposit them, This is why I think that recycling is a very positive thing but many times not everyone has the elements or willingness to do it.